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Mindful Ease

An integrated pain management solution designed to bring peace to chronic pain sufferers; it combines the traditional TENS patches with wearable design and a meditation app to create a multi-sensual meditation experience.

Harper Cafe Upgrade

A comprehensive upgrade of Harper Cafe with spatial replanning and a family of product design, creating refreshing in-space experience and more.

Nature's Plastic Alchemy

A speculative design project that explores the possibility of using bioengineered microbes to address plastic pollution, deducing its long-term impacts, risks, and ethical concerns from multidisciplinary perspectives.

Sensi Cube

A fast food product solution tailored for the blind and visually impaired individuals, highlighting tactility, convenience, and visual accessibility.

Supermarket Aisle Design

An experience design project that makes supermarket's fast food aisles more accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Food Aisle Accessibility Audit 

Objective & Reflections

This audit evaluates local Target's canned food aisle with a focus on accessibility design for blind and visually impaired individuals. The findings revealing a significant gap in visual accessibility and the need for more inclusive shelf design and improved information display. 


Existing Checklists: ADA standards; ADA Access Checklist by Institute for Human Centered Design, Access to Goods & Services; NHS Digital Accessibility

Expanded Checklist: tailored to assess wayfinding and visual accessibility in a supermarket setting, including signage readability, the presence of Braille, product placement, and promotional material visibility, etc.

Key Problems

Wayfinding and Signage

Visual Accessibility

Product Labels

Shelf Placement

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